Cafepress seemed like something too good to be true. And what I am saying is intended for those who seriously want to work with it. I had a difficult time getting started with the system--ok, climbng the learning curve. On the one hand I had my images and on the other hand I had the printed dimensional specs (in pixels) required for each item that can be ordered from CafePress. So, for instance, my photo of a bridge was rectangular but needed to be square for certain items. For other items I needed rectangluar or round images. I dutifully perfected the dimensions for several items with a couple of my images. Phew!!
Now to get this info into CafePress. There were many error messages when trying to upload.I learned to ignore most of them. Some naming convention was needed so I could remember what image was what and in which size. was this "section" stuff I read about in all the message groups? It took me a while to figure out it was a "page' which could hold whatever I wanted—a group of items with one image, several different images on one kind of item, or more. Once the structure was figured out it was very easy to work with. After uploading and creating many items, shortcuts were found. Dozens of items later more shortcuts became very obvious. And the — with nautical and lighthouse gifts and gear was a reality.
Technorati Tages: lighthouse, nautical, T-Shirts