Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Fore River Bridge

Here she is! And what a story to tell. This little drawer bridge connected Quincy and Weymouth, Massachusetts from 1934 until it was replaced with a temporary bridge in 2004. Just beyond the bridge was the Fore River Shipyard which began in 1884 and grew to be the second-largest shipyard in the US. The "yard" constructed hundreds of ships from freighters and sailing ships to aircraft carriers and tankers. All passed under the open bridge, some with very little clearance. The location of the bridge—which itself had replaced an earlier bridge—on busy Route 3A south of Boston made it very well known to people headed to Nantasket or Cape Cod. Nearly every driver south of Boston has been detained for a bridge opening for an oil tanker or a tall sailboat! This picture was taken from the "Weymouth side" near the old Edison building — long a little park and fishing area but closed many years ago for removal of the old Edison building.


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