Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Perfect Print!

So you LOVE those nautical prints of ours...but the frames are not exactly your idea of beauty. Well, the commodore can help you there, too.

Many of our photo-artwork pieces are available through EdgewaterGallery on Imagekind.com. At this fantastic website you can pick you artwork and crop it if you like. You can then experiment with various mats colors and framing options until you are sure to find the perfect combination for your decor!

Take a stroll over to our virtual galleries and experiment with artwork size, cropping, frame and matting options. If you like art, you will be amazed with the creations you can make on EdgwaterGallery at Imagekind.

For posters, prints, journals, gift boxes and cards, please look at Edgewater Gallery.com

Commodore Lehane

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