There is still time to beat the rush and worry about shipping online purchases for the holidays. Here are some ideas for you weary shoppers.
For small items you can use for most anyone, check out Edgewater Gallery -- it is a site with nautical themed items like cards, small note books, posters and more. Many artists and photographers are featured and all were selected by Commodore Lehane for their great nautical artwork which covers several media. Who wouldn't like a sunset image or lighthouse picture on cards or a notebook??
For an upscale gift for home or office consider a custom framed print. You can select an image of a favorite place or pastime or perhaps something more abstract. The Commodore's own gallery is one place to start. This very cool site lets you choose mats and frames and see the actual result before you order. How cool is that for a very personal gift!!
Need something for that hard-to-buy-for Aunt? Check out the floral designs which include flowers on mugs, pillows, gift boxes, cards, carry bags, etc. She'll think you were so thoughtful!!
So those were the easy ones! What do you get a baby? An inlaw, a relative, the neighbor kid, or the child of the boss? We've got you covered there, too! How about a very cool infant or toddler t-shirt?!? Baby shirts can be cute or serious and they can also be pink, blue or white. So perhaps a few of these onhand will glide you safely through the holidays as long as you keep pink for the gals and blue for the little dudes! Or, buy white and be safe no matter what!
Commodore Lehane
Technorati Tages: gift ideas, Commodores Locker, baby t-shirts, custom framed print, floral gift, CafePress
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Merry! Merry? Merry . . .

These cool cards have a blank inside and so can be used for whatever holiday or special time you wish! They have served at holiday party invitations, too! The photogenic hippo is retired and lives, of course, in Florida. Show your unique attitude about the holidays in jest or in sincerity. No one will ever know the actual point you intend! Perfect? Many would agree!
Of course all of our images are available on a many types of shirts, some hats, mugs, ceramics, magnets, cards and more!
Commodore Lehane
Technorati Tages: holiday card, Commodores Locker, hippo, merry, silly card, CafePress
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